ECC is constructing a primary runway replacement project on an active airfield at the Little Rock Air Force Base for the US Air Force Civil Engineer Center under our Worldwide Engineering and Construction Workflow (WE&C) Contract. ECC is replacing 12,000 linear feet of an aging runway, originally built in 1955, to improve the mission-readiness of the airfield with resilient infrastructure. ECC is reconstructing a 12,000-foot-long, 150-foot-wide runway; 10 taxiways; the 4,000-foot long, 60-foot-wide parallel landing zone; shoulders; and overruns; as well as constructing an airfield lighting and navigational aids (NAVAIDS) package. Working on an active airfield, ECC implemented several measures to enforce strict housekeeping, mitigate impacts to flight operations and training, and accelerate the schedule in an effort to keep runway and landing zones active and expedite a return to normal operations.